Thursday Apr 27, 2023
Thursday Apr 27, 2023
My guests today are Dr. Darius Langmahnee and Dr. Kevin Boyd. Please join us as we discuss the critical importance of dental and medical collaboration in the future of children's health.
Darius A Loghmanee MD FAAP FAASM D.ABIM
Dr. Loghmanee is the Director of the Advocate Children’s Sleep Network at Advocate Children’s Hospital. Dr. Loghmanee received his medical degree from the University at Buffalo School of Medicine. He did his postgraduate training at Rush University Medical Center where he completed a combined residency in Internal Medicine and Pediatrics and trained as a fellow in the Sleep Disorders Center.
After his training, he spent seven years at the Ann and Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago where he evaluated and treated children with control of breathing and sleep disorders and served as the Associate Director of the Sleep Medicine Center. Recruited to the Advocate Medical Group to build the first population sleep health service line, Dr. Loghmanee has established pediatric sleep labs, developed novel population-based approaches to assess sleep and breathing, and has systematized collaborations with primary care providers, pulmonologists, ear, nose, and throat surgeons, dentists, occupational therapists, myofunctional therapists, psychologists, faith-based organizations, schools, community groups, and families in efforts to optimize sleep health in children and adolescents.
You can find out more about Dr. Loghmanee at care.advocatehealth.com/doctors/darius-a-loghmanee-park-ridge-pediatric-sleep-medicine.
Dr. Kevin Boyd, DDS, MSc
Dr. Boyd is a board-certified pediatric dentist practicing in Chicago, IL. He is also an attending instructor in the Pediatric Dentistry Residency-Training Program at Lurie Children’s Hospital where he additionally serves as a dental consultant to the Sleep Medicine service. He also serves as a dental consultant at Lutheran General Hospital. He is a Visiting Scholar at the University of Pennsylvania’s Museum of Anthropology conducting research in anthropology and orthodontics.
Prior to completing his DDS degree from Loyola University’s Chicago College of Dental Surgery in 1986, he obtained an advanced degree (MSc) in Human Nutrition and Dietetics from Michigan State University. He completed his post-graduate residency training in Pediatric Dentistry at the University of Iowa due to its reputation for providing intensive clinical and didactic learning opportunities in the areas of early childhood orthodontics/dentofacial orthopedics, and also early childhood behavior guidance management and child psychological/emotional development.
You can find out more about Dr. Boyd at dentistry4children.net.
Show Notes:
Dr. Boyd's practice: Link to Practice
Dr. Loghmanee's practice: Link to Practice
European Journal of Dentistry (includes 1992 references) Effects of Airway Problems on Maxillary Growth article
Marshmallow test with children on delayed gratification
Tuesday Mar 07, 2023
Tuesday Mar 07, 2023
My guest today is Brittny Murphy, the owner of CT Orofacial Myology. She is a Certified Orofacial Myologist and Buteyko Breathing Educator. Brittny received her degree from the Forsyth School of Dental Hygiene at MCPHS in 2011 and post-graduate training in Myofunctional Therapy through the AOMT and IAOM in 2016 and 2017.
Brittny is an educator and mentor for Dental Sleep Toolbox and Airway Health Solutions, training other registered dental hygienists who share the same passion for becoming myofunctional therapists. Brittny is also the face behind the podcast, “I Spy with My Myo Eye”.
As an orofacial myologist and healthcare professional, Brittny is always looking for ways to improve her patient’s quality of life. She believes myofunctional therapy is a huge aid in attaining those goals. Brittny advocates for her patients every step of the way and will make sure her patients are heard. Brittny is always looking to expand her knowledge and skills by taking courses and keeping up to date on current literature and best industry practices. She works collaboratively with and is well respected by dentists, orthodontists, oral and maxillofacial surgeons (OMFS), otolaryngologists (ENTs), speech-language pathologists, and other local healthcare professionals.
You can find out more about Brittny at ctorofacialmyology.com.
Show Notes:
CT Orofacial Myology: Website
CT Orofacial Myology - Eye Spy with My Myo Eye: YouTube Channel
Oromyofunctional Therapy Studies and Conclusions
Myo Munchee: Website
Primitive Reflex Integration: What Are Primitive Reflexes?
"Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art" by James Nestor
Friday Feb 17, 2023
Friday Feb 17, 2023
As part of the continued push towards a more collaborative approach to medicine, the Sleep Education Consortium (SEC) holds an annual conference for dental and medical professionals. This conference establishes the framework for enhancing collaboration between dental and medical professionals, both didactic and clinical educational methods, in the diagnosis and management of patients with sleep and airway disorders.
In today's episode, we open the floor to Dr. Jerald Simmons and Dr. Kevin Boyd to share their thoughts on why this type of collaboration is so important and discuss in more detail, why conference and education opportunities, such as the SEC Dental Sleep Conference, are so critical.
Show Notes:
SEC Dental Sleep Conference - Link to Website
SEC Medical Sleep Conference - Link to Website
Sleep Education Consortium (Dr. Jerald Simmons) - Link to Website
Dentistry for Children (Dr. Kevin Boyd) - Link to Website
Friday Feb 10, 2023
Friday Feb 10, 2023
My guest today is Patrick McKeown --- creator, CEO, and Director of Education and Training at Oxygen Advantage®, Director of Education and Training at Buteyko Clinic International, and President of Buteyko Professionals International. He is a leading international expert on breathing and sleep, and the author of bestselling books including The Oxygen Advantage. His focus is to empower more people every day to breathe better, feel better and achieve their potential.
Patrick was educated at Trinity College, Dublin, and later studied in the Moscow clinic of the founder of the Buteyko Breathing Method; the late Professor Konstantin Buteyko. He was honored to be awarded a Diploma in the Buteyko Method by Professor Buteyko.
Patrick’s current professional affiliations include being a Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology (UK), a Member of the Physiological Society (UK), a Member of the Academy of Applied Myofunctional Sciences, a Fellow of Buteyko Professionals International, and a Fellow of the International Academy of Breathing & Health.
From a very young age, Patrick suffered from asthma and relied on an array of medicines and inhalers until he discovered the Buteyko Method at the age of 26. This life-changing discovery motivated him to change his career in order to help children and adults who suffered from similar breathing problems. Following his time in Russia in 2002, Patrick has been teaching the Buteyko Method in Australia, USA, and throughout Europe.
He has penned seven books, including three Amazon.com best sellers, and has been invited to speak at dental and respiratory conferences throughout the world. In collaboration with the University of Limerick & Limerick University Hospital in Ireland, Patrick was the Buteyko method instructor in a clinical study investigating the Buteyko Method as a treatment for individuals who had a diagnosis of asthma and chronic rhinosinusitis.
You can find out more about Patrick at oxygenadvantage.com and buteykoclinic.com.
Show Notes:
Find all of Patrick's books: Amazon Store
Buteyko Breathing Exercises and Techniques
75% of patients with anxiety have a breathing disorder
Buteyko Breathing App
Karen Bonuk Study: Sleep-Disordered Breathing in a Population-Based Cohort: Behavioral Outcomes at 4 and 7 Years
1 to 5 years fastest growing periods for children
Friday Feb 03, 2023
Friday Feb 03, 2023
Dr. Harrell began his orthodontic practice in Alexander City, AL in 1977 and has devoted most of his career to educating his peers, the public, and other healthcare professionals on the importance of discovering and treating airway obstructions leading to altered growth issues in children that can cause serious health conditions later in life. Throughout his career, he has worked alongside pioneers such as Dr. William Farrar, the pioneer of TMJ Therapy, and Dr. Christian Guilleminalt, MD, one of the “Fathers of Sleep Medicine.”
Dr. Harrell lectures to residents, medical doctors, and dentists worldwide. Dr. Harrell also is a professor at the University of Alabama Birmingham School of Dentistry Orthodontic Department.
Dr. Harrell is the Chairperson of Radsite’s Standards Committee on ConeBeam CT (CBCT) for both medicine and dentistry. Dr. Harrell is also on the American Dental Association’s (ADA) Children’s Airway Screener Taskforce (CAST) tasked with developing a children’s screening questionnaire, called C-GASP, for uncovering early airway issues in children.
Dr. Harrell has served as President, Vice-President, Secretary & Treasurer of the 9th District Dental Society of the Alabama Dental Association, The President and Vice-President of the Alabama Orthodontic Association, Twice President of the Alexander City Lake Martin Rotary Club, Served on the Board of Trustees and in the House of Delegates of the Alabama Dental Association, is Board Certified in Orthodontics, and presently working on Board Certification in Dental Sleep Medicine.
Dr. Harrell is the lead EDITOR of a Medical/Dental textbook called “Growing into Breathing Problems: The Quest for Collaborative Lifetime Solutions” which is scheduled to be published by Springer Publishing in early 2023.
You can find out more about Dr. Harrell at drharrell.com.
Show Notes:
Children’s Airway Screener Taskforce (CAST) - Dentistry Today Article
CAST Screener for Parents
Peak Nasal Inspiratory Flow Meter - Purchase Option
2015 PubMed Article - Acoustic Rhinometry in Mouth Breathing Patients
Nasal Valve Collapse - Article
In October 2017, the American Dental Association (ADA) adopted a policy on dentistry’s role in treating sleep-breathing disorders including obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)
"Snored to Death: Are You Dying in Your Sleep?" by Dr. David McIntosh - Purchase on Amazon
Sleep Medicine Pioneer, Dr. Christian Guilleminault - World Sleep Society 2019
Friday Jan 20, 2023
Friday Jan 20, 2023
My guest today is Dr. Funke Afolabi-Brown. Dr. Brown is board-certified in pediatric pulmonary medicine and pediatric sleep disorders. As a double board-certified pediatric respiratory sleep medicine physician, Dr. Brown helps her patients breathe better and sleep better. By extension, she helps improve the sleep of their parents.
Dr. Brown is a speaker, an educator, a writer, and the founder of Restful Sleep MD where she helps busy professional women and their children prioritize sleep to not only achieve their optimal health but also thrive and live to their fullest potential. She does this through courses and programs focused on educating and empowering busy professional women to make sleep a priority as a critical pillar of their health.
Dr. Brown is a member of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM), the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the American Thoracic Society (ATS). She has served on several committees locally, regionally, and nationally. Brown is passionate about mentoring the next generation of physician scholars and is particularly vested in the training and development of minority scholars.
She also works with organizations and small businesses, to improve employee health by incorporating healthy sleep as part of their wellness journey. She does this through seminars, workshops, and round table sessions.
You can find out more about Dr. Afolabi-Brown on her website at restfulsleepmd.com.
Show Notes:
Anxiety, depression, and other mood disorders are on the rise among teenagers
Teens getting less than 8 hours of sleep at night are at risk of feeling depressed and anxious
Up to 53% of middle and 73% of high schoolers get less than the recommended 8-10 hours of sleep
Teen Sleeping Courses with Dr. Funke Alfolabi-Brown: Access Course
CDC Sleep and Sleep Disorders
CDC Sleep Statistics
Friday Jan 06, 2023
Friday Jan 06, 2023
My guest today is Dr. Shereen Lim, a Perth-based dentist with a postgraduate diploma in dental sleep medicine from the University of Western Australia. As one of Australia’s first handful of dentists to obtain a qualification in dental sleep medicine, she has spent more than a decade working with patients with snoring and obstructive sleep apnea.
Rather than managing dysfunctional breathing and its consequences, Dr. Lim is focused on promoting airway health. This means reinforcing nasal breathing and promoting good airway development from infancy as keys to sleeping well, thriving, and greater future health. Dr. Lim regularly sees infants to adults and has been able to pinpoint the issues in infancy that lead to bigger problems down the track.
She is passionate about educating child health professionals from a variety of fields to recognize the earliest warning signs of poor airway health including poor oral function and poor jaw development and promoting collaborative care to address these as early as possible. Her vision is to help more children receive timely care to breathe, sleep and thrive to their full potential, and avoid growing into more serious problems later in life.
Dr. Lim is a renowned speaker and the author of Breathe, Sleep, Thrive which is available on Amazon.
You can find out more about Dr. Lim at drshereenlim.com.au.
Show Notes:
Breathe, Sleep, Thrive: Discover How Airway Health Can Unlock Your Child's Greater Health, Learning, and Potential by Dr. Shereen Lim - Book on Amazon.com
Signs of airway disorders in children
Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art, by James Nestor - Book on Amazon.com
Find an Airway Dentist - Doctor Locator
Sunday Jan 01, 2023
Sunday Jan 01, 2023
In this episode, we continue to say goodbye to 2022 and look forward to the year ahead by reflecting on some of our amazing guests on the program this past year. In part two of our year in review, you’ll hear excerpts from episodes with some of the leaders in airway-centric dentistry.
I personally had a hard time pulling this episode together as it was hard for me to narrow down the perfect excerpt from each episode as every guest has brought so much great information and insight to each episode. I’ll include the links to every episode in the show notes so that, if something resonates with you, you’ll be able to easily access the full episode.
Show Notes:
Segment 1: Airway-Centric Dentistry - Dr. David McIntosh | Episode 13
Segment 1: Airway-Centric Dentistry - Dr. Steve Carstensen | Episode 4
Segment 1: Airway-Centric Dentistry - Dr. Meghna Dassani | Episode 16
Segment 1: Airway-Centric Dentistry - Cris Duval, RDH | Episode 10
Segment 1: Airway-Centric Dentistry - Dr. Michael Gelb | Episode 22
Segment 1: Airway-Centric Dentistry - Dr. Felix Liao | Episode 23
Segment 1: Airway-Centric Dentistry - Dr. Ben Miraglia | Episode 17
Segment 1: Airway-Centric Dentistry - Candy & Brad Sparks | Episode 1
Saturday Dec 31, 2022
Saturday Dec 31, 2022
As we say goodbye to 2022 and look forward to the year ahead, we wanted to take a moment to reflect on some of the amazing guests we’ve had on the program this past year. In this episode, part one of our year in review, you’ll hear excerpts from various podcast episodes, based on topics such as airway health education, personal stories, healing, airway and the face, and speech/myofunctional therapy.
I personally had a hard time pulling this episode together as it was hard for me to narrow down the perfect excerpt from each episode as every guest has brought so much amazing information and insight to each episode. I’ll include the links to every episode in the show notes so that, if something in an excerpt resonates with you, you’ll be able to easily access the full episode.
Show Notes:
Segment 1: Education - James Nestor | Episode 21
Segment 1: Education - Dr. Kevin Boyd | Episode 12
Segment 2: Personal Stories - Emma Cooksey | Episode 2
Segment 2: Personal Stories - Kajsa Bradley | Episode 7
Segment 2: Personal Stories - Catherine Anderson | Episode 15
Segment 2: Personal Stories - Kelley Richardson | Episode 19
Segment 3: Healing - Dr. Steven Hall | Episode 3
Segment 3: Healing - Dr. Becky Andrews | Episode 11
Segment 4: Airway and Orofacial Health - Dr. Tasha Turzo | Episode 9
Segment 4: Airway and Orofacial Health - Autumn Henning | Episode 8
Segment 5: Myofunctional Therapy - Lauren Ruffrage | Episode 5
Segment 5: Myofunctional Therapy - Karese Laguerre | Episode 6
Segment 5: Myofunctional Therapy - Daniel Drew | Episode 20
Segment 5: Myofunctional Therapy - Brittany Bailey | Episode 18
Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
My guest today is Dr. Felix Liao. Dr. Liao is a thought leader and healthcare innovator who has restored the mouth back to the body as a vital organ for many patients’ natural health and wellness. His WholeHealth philosophy integrates mind-body-mouth to produce breakthrough outcomes.
Among dentists, Dr. Liao is a leading airway-centered mouth doctor with recognized expertise in Impaired Mouth Syndrome and Holistic Mouth Solutions. He is also the inventor of Start Thriving Appliance® for test-driving and adopting Holistic Mouth Solutions as the answer to Impaired Mouth Syndrome. In 2020, Dr. Liao expanded Holistic Mouth Solutions to include both a sleep-friendly mouth structure and a sensible eating mouth Style to build vibrant health and innate immunity.
Clinically, Dr. Liao helps patients suffering from Impaired Mouth Syndrome with treatment plans to redevelop them into a sound infrastructure using epigenetic oral appliances, and WholeHealth integration as needed to restore sleep, fix pain and recharge energy. Professionally, Dr. Liao is the Director of AMD Training Seminars® to help traditional drill & fill dentists become AMDs to deliver Holistic Mouth Solutions to patients. He is also the Founder of WholeHealth Integration Summits®.
Dr. Liao holds an engineering degree from Brown University, a DDS from Case School of Dental Medicine, Board Certification by the American Board of General Dentistry, a Mastership in the Academy of General Dentistry, and a Mastership in the International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine (IABDM). He is a past president of IABDM.
Dr. Liao is the author of three best-selling books: Six Foot Tiger Three Foot Cage, Early Sirens, and Licensed to Thrive.
You can find out more about Dr. Liao at holisticmouthsolutions.com.
Show Notes:
Holistic Mouth Solutions: https://holisticmouthsolutions.com/
Impaired Mouth Syndrome Quiz: https://holisticmouthsolutions.com/impaired-mouth-syndrome-quiz/
Baby Led Weaning Essential Guide: Link to Amazon
AMD Training for Dentists: https://holisticmouthsolutions.com/amd-training-for-dentists/
Epigenetics is the study of how your behaviors and environment can cause changes that affect the way your genes work. Unlike genetic changes, epigenetic changes are reversible and do not change your DNA sequence, but they can change how your body reads a DNA sequence.
Pediatric Obstructive Sleep Apnea and the Critical Role of Oral-Facial Growth: Evidences (PMC3551039): Link to Study
An impaired mouth is a barrier to total health and is a frequently overlooked source of medical, dental, and mental health troubles
Disease enters by mouth and disaster exits by mouth - Chinese Proverb
There are more than 400-million children worldwide that are suffering from this silent epidemic. Pediatric airway disorders often either go unnoticed or are misdiagnosed by medical professionals.
But there is something you can do to protect your child and help to put an end to treatable children's airway disorders.